Ways That Botox Can Help Beyond Just Smoothing Out Wrinkles


If you're like most people, the mention of Botox probably triggers thoughts of eliminating facial wrinkles. After all, that is among the most common cosmetic uses for Botox injections. What you might not realize is that Botox can actually do a lot more than just hide wrinkles in your skin. In fact, it's in your best interest to understand the conditions that Botox injections can treat so that you are fully informed and prepared for the treatment if it can help you.

15 September 2022

Who Should Schedule A Skin Cancer Examination?


One of the key services dermatologists offer is skin cancer examinations. During such examinations, the dermatologist will look over your skin and make note of any lesions they think may be cancerous and pre-cancerous. So, who should schedule one of these exams? Here are a few key groups of people who can really benefit from doing so. Anyone Who Used to Go Tanning Tanning, whether in the natural sunshine or in tanning beds, is known to greatly increase your risk of skin cancer.

10 March 2022