Who Should Schedule A Skin Cancer Examination?


One of the key services dermatologists offer is skin cancer examinations. During such examinations, the dermatologist will look over your skin and make note of any lesions they think may be cancerous and pre-cancerous. So, who should schedule one of these exams? Here are a few key groups of people who can really benefit from doing so.

Anyone Who Used to Go Tanning

Tanning, whether in the natural sunshine or in tanning beds, is known to greatly increase your risk of skin cancer. The UV rays you're exposed to when you tan can cause changes in the DNA in your skin cells that can lead to cancer. Even if you no longer tan, having spent a significant time tanning in the past could cause you to determine skin cancer later on. As such, it is a good idea to visit a dermatologist for a skin cancer screening — not just now, but periodically throughout the rest of your life.

Anyone with a Family History of Skin Cancer

There are many different risk factors that can make a person more prone to skin cancer, from UV exposure to diet. As such, there is no guarantee that you will develop skin cancer if your family members have developed skin cancer. However, family history is one risk factor, so it's wise to have a skin exam if someone else in your family has recently been diagnosed with skin cancer. Make sure you let the dermatologist know what type of skin cancer your family members had so they know exactly what they should be on the lookout for.

Anyone with a Lot of Moles and Freckles

Moles and freckles may be fine at first, but sometimes they change and become cancerous later in life. So, if you are someone who has a lot of moles and wrinkles, it is a good idea to have your skin checked by a dermatologist every so often. You should also keep an eye on your moles and freckles at home. If you notice any changes, this is another good reason to have the mole or freckle looked at by a professional. Have your partner or a family member check any moles or freckles that you can't see yourself.

The sooner skin cancer lesions are detected, the easier they are to treat. It's never a bad idea to see a dermatologist for a skin cancer check, especially if you are in any of the situations above. 


10 March 2022

Clean, Clear, and Healthy: A Dermatologist Blog

Do you look in the mirror and wish that your skin was free from blemishes, more vibrant, or more youthful? Skin care and treatments for conditions like acne and psoriasis have come so far in recent years. Dermatologists now understand a lot more about these conditions and are able to prescribe treatment regimens that not only ease symptoms, but treat their underlying causes. This website is a good place to learn more about those treatments. Whether you're someone with acne, a patient with wrinkles, or someone with healthy skin who simply wants to keep it that way, you can benefit from reading about skincare and from seeing a dermatologist.