Skin Cancer Examination — How To Handle It Responsibly


Skin cancer is something that affects a lot of people around the world. Since it is so common, skin cancer examinations are important to utilize. If you plan to have one performed, here are some helpful protocols to remember.

Go in For Annual Checkups if Skin Cancer Runs in the Family  

There are some families who're unfortunately predisposed to getting skin cancer. It may be a genetics problem for instance. If this is true for your family, then you might consider going in for skin cancer examinations at least once a year. Then you can make sure you don't have skin cancer or if you do, catch it at an early stage.

You'll just need to make an appointment every year with a dermatologist who you feel comfortable seeing. You can build a rapport with them and then view this skin cancer assessment as a standard procedure that's intended to keep you healthy.

Have a Full Body Exam Performed

Skin cancer can grow around different parts of your body. For this reason, it's best to have a full-body skin cancer examination performed when you go to see a dermatologist. Then you'll leave nothing up to chance because of how thorough the dermatologist will be. 

You just have to wear a gown so that the skin professional has easy access to various parts of your body. They can then make a note of any irregular growth that could possibly be cancerous. These thorough examinations could end up saving your life ultimately. 

Go Over Results in Person

Once you have a skin cancer examination performed by your dermatologist and the appropriate tests are run on any growths that were found, it's important to go over your results in person. This helps in a couple of ways.

For one, it can help you feel more supported regardless of what the results say because you'll be with a medical professional who knows exactly what you're going through. Also, if your results come back positive for cancer, you'll hear from your dermatologist about the next steps you need to take regarding treatment. You can then avoid confusion and do what's best for your health. 

If skin cancer is something you're worried about, then it's a good idea to schedule skin cancer examinations at the appropriate intervals. Then you'll be able to find out relevant information that helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle and potentially leads to life-saving treatment. 

Speak to a dermatologist to learn more about skin cancer examinations


10 March 2023

Clean, Clear, and Healthy: A Dermatologist Blog

Do you look in the mirror and wish that your skin was free from blemishes, more vibrant, or more youthful? Skin care and treatments for conditions like acne and psoriasis have come so far in recent years. Dermatologists now understand a lot more about these conditions and are able to prescribe treatment regimens that not only ease symptoms, but treat their underlying causes. This website is a good place to learn more about those treatments. Whether you're someone with acne, a patient with wrinkles, or someone with healthy skin who simply wants to keep it that way, you can benefit from reading about skincare and from seeing a dermatologist.