5 Services To Request From Your Dermatologist


No matter what skin concerns you're facing, a dermatologist can help. Dermatologists can help you keep your skin healthy and looking great. Here are some services you can request the next time you call your dermatologist to make an appointment:

1. Skin Cancer Screening

Skin cancer is more likely to affect light-skinned people and those who have a family history of the disease. People with red hair are more likely to get skin cancer. If you're at risk, you should have your body checked each year. Your dermatologist can perform a thorough skin cancer screening to look for lesions on your skin. Skin cancer screenings provide the opportunity for prompt treatment, which can prevent metastatic skin cancer.

2. Acne Care

Dermatologists can provide care for people with acne. Proper treatment can prevent cysts from getting infected, which can reduce your risk of scarring. Your dermatologist will examine your skin to diagnose the likely cause of your acne before prescribing one or more treatments. Birth control pills and androgen blockers can help people with hormonal acne, and a solid skin care regimen can help teenagers get their acne under control.

3. Laser Treatment

Some dermatologists offer laser treatment, a highly effective anti-aging tool. Lasers can be used to resurface the skin, causing slight damage, which promotes blood flow and healing. Laser treatment can encourage your skin to make more collagen, which will result in a tighter and fresher complexion. Laser treatment can even help scars fade.

4. Product Consulting

Caring for your skin requires using the right products. It's important to cleanse dirt and oils from your face twice a day, and most people need a moisturizer as well. Using products that are wrong for your skin type can cause breakouts and irritation. Your dermatologist can help you find the skin care products that suit your skin type. They will suggest products that offer good value, which are formulated using skin-safe, effective ingredients. Dermatologists can suggest products at every price point so you can get great skin care on a budget.

5. Prescription Management

Dermatologists can prescribe highly effective skin care medications. Some of these medications are designed for topical use, while others are meant to be taken orally. A dermatologist can help you evaluate the efficacy of your prescriptions, adjusting your dosage until you find the regimen that helps you achieve the desired results. Prescription medication can soothe eczema, treat acne, and smooth wrinkles.

Contact a local dermatology service to learn more about your options.


21 April 2021

Clean, Clear, and Healthy: A Dermatologist Blog

Do you look in the mirror and wish that your skin was free from blemishes, more vibrant, or more youthful? Skin care and treatments for conditions like acne and psoriasis have come so far in recent years. Dermatologists now understand a lot more about these conditions and are able to prescribe treatment regimens that not only ease symptoms, but treat their underlying causes. This website is a good place to learn more about those treatments. Whether you're someone with acne, a patient with wrinkles, or someone with healthy skin who simply wants to keep it that way, you can benefit from reading about skincare and from seeing a dermatologist.